Navy Veteran, mother, and patriot-Enjoy my afternoon dates with the birds, flowers and the trees-Healthy living keeps Big Pharma away.

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Lin's has been giving us hints all along who the person (s) is and I'll not say it outloud because I already know the back lash.

Lin needs to distance himself from the Kyle cult. Too bad he ever tried to help. They are a shady bunch and just a novelty tale.

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂
This will likely get me backlash but its ok. I am starting to question Trump. Q was supposed to be about saving the children and humanity. Here we are now with jab mandates from 5 years to 100 year olds. Yet Trump … the supposed leader of this movement … supports it? Maybe he does maybe he doesnt. But he sure isnt speaking out to stop the mandates all knowing the jab is dangerous. So why is he not? He in fact is supporting jab.. he has not said mandate but by not speaking out that begs the question of why. He is focused on the election we know was stolen. Distraction? It has been said that Trump is still president and this is an movie to waken people. But lives are still being lost or changed by adverse effects of jab. It has also been said in the past anyone worth over 30 million is likely cabal. Has any Q posts said to trust Trump? Left Behind series got me thinking deeper.

They had to start at the top not the personal level. No one has been legally forced. Just duped into going along. They removed who and lab will be next.

#JESUS CHRIST is my LORD👑KING ✝️ Get behind me Satan, for it is written✝️ OTR commercial truck driver👚👖🥾💄🕶
The title of this movie should be called:
The Great Delusion, if possible even the very elect will be fooled. they all are leading us into the NWO.👺 research what MAGA really stands for