BEWARE OF THIS—Metaverse—the devil's lure straight to hell through human emotions—the deception is more real these days to people with no GPS (God Positioning Signal). The preternatural realm has cloaked itself in digital bytes permeating our daily lives in phones, computers, tvs & radiowaves. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Humans crave belonging. Jesus Christ IS the ONLY way to belong ultimately. Trust no man, nor technology. Virtual reality is a deception. Who is the liar? The deceiver? This image is striking and grieves my heart. Our souls are at stake. Life is NOT a game. The invisible exists. Like the wind, like sound, like breath. Jesus is alive. The Holy Spirit is living. God the Father exists. This is reality. Break the chains. The deception is real. Choose this day whom you will serve.

Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51

"Ppl perish frm lack of knowledge."Hos4:6 Take no part in works of darkness, instead expose them-I am a Christian, Artist & Patriot
You make an excellent point. Another way for a door to be open for demons to possess a human. We are to "test every spirit to see if they come from God" 1 John 4:1