Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • On TS as TheStormIsUponUs @TheStormIsUponUs

The plan allowed for them to go after the children with mask and jab mandates. This is unconscionable to conscious people. I knew of No One that had covid. I know of so many injured and dead from the jabs. Trump takes credit for operation warp speed. My sister in-law had to have her apendix removed, my mom got a severe case of shingles that almost blinded her and now has tremors, another friend had a still birth, another a stroke, another a dead teen boy. All healthy people and all happened right after the jab. They trusted Trump.

From what I am reading across various social media platforms is why many are no longer trusting. How can a plan designed to save the children be causing them to be traumatized, injured and killed. It's a lot to ask of people to trust a plan that is itself directly causing still births, teen heart attacks, convulsions, strokes and more. I beleive in God through Christ, seek and support truth , the Constitutional Republic, and respect for all life.

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