#Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai son of Solomon -King David; RabbisForAnusim FB, GETTR; Torah Codes House of David: YT,Rum; ZemahBenYishai: GETTR, FB
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden of Texas has announced she will ONLY except new patients who are unvaccinated. The ENT doctor said she is taking a stand for those who are being denied treatment elsewhere. After the announcenebt, Dr. Bowden has met with online attacks and people have been reporting her to the Texas medical board.#sayit
Texas Doctor Will Only Treat Unvaccinated - by Emily Miller - Emily Posts
Decision after surgical center required vaccine proof and refused hospital privileges for treating COVID patient with ivermectin
https://www.emilypostnews.com/p/texas-doctor-will-only-treat-unvaccinatedLet's make her famous!