Lightworker ✨ Healer 💫 5D ✨ Awaken 💫 Family is everything ✨ Nuked 9 times from Twitter
Many people do not understand the control that evil has in this world by deceiving us. Everything we have learned in this reality has been a lie. What we have come to understand are lies for the most part. They have rewritten our history, they have stolen our original languages, and we have been subjected to this slave programming for thousands of years. The greatest trick the devil or the antichrist has played on humanity and in our community, which we assign to the negative alien agenda, is to get us to think they don't exist, when they most certainly do. So, as the genocide program shows, which is still not perceived by many people, this is a point, in my humble opinion, when many insist on completely denying the existence of evil. People must know that an unfathomable evil exists in our midst, or it will take advantage of us to unwittingly serve evil purposes. And it certainly has.
What we are suffering in the world today is an unprecedented spiritual battle in our lifetime. This is the final spiritual battle for the soul of humanity and the earth. We knew it was going to be crazy. We knew it would be confusing.
We are now going through this process of rebirth of consciousness, and it can be extremely surreal and bizarre, which can be destabilizing.

Lightworker ✨ Healer 💫 5D ✨ Awaken 💫 Family is everything ✨ Nuked 9 times from Twitter
This spiritual battle has proven to be an invented hoax, weaponizing others around us, and this is another element that makes it so painful. These people we love, our family, our friends; This invented pain tears people apart through divide and conquer tactics rooted in ideological conflict. This need for people to deny the darkness from their immense fears, to succumb to consciousness slavery, enables weaponization of the shadow darkness and unresolved fears of others. It is so incredibly painful for all of us as human beings to experience gun violence from those we knew as friends, family or colleagues.