All courts in Vic are by video now so we are going to try and see if we can find out if it can be openly viewed by live stream. Info yet to come and I'll try and keep you all informed as I find out.
But wait there's more... someone else has filed papers and another different case and proceedings against Andrews yesterday at the world Court in Hague, apparently there is no court higher than this across the globe. I'm only guessing but I'd say these proceedings are tied in with the work toward the Nuremberg trials. I have not been given any more details about this one yet.
Now nothing like this has ever happened in history so no one knows exactly what will happen and there's probably a tonne of questions we all have. But there is so much hope. There are many people working tirelessly to bring these evil people down. It will happen. Stay focused on the light and exactly as @Ak Ak said, keep as much in the positive and away from the negative vibrations as possible.

Thankyou for your great information, it has given me great hope that we here in all of Australia can be set free under the control. Thanks again
We all want this Darlene...thank you