Brit with an inquisitive mind from as far back as I can remember. Red-pilled since 9/11 been searching for truth(s) ever since.
For over 10 years i gave worked on "bad" meds doing chtronologies for lawsuits
The first i did was for gadolinium, a contrast used for MRIs. It caused NSF, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. It has a galf life if 17 hours so it takes a long time to get out of your body or for the kidneys to filtrate it out.
If you are elderly, and ur kidneys are not functioning well or filtrating well, like many elderly, it stays in your system. It ends up in your joints and turns your arms legs into woidy fibrosis, sometimes causing permanent danage.
It us still used today. Big pharma was surd for "failure to

Believer - Small Business Owner - Seeking Canada's Trump - The more I learn of this never ending evil it sickens me #pray #NeverEverGiveUp
I was in car accident and had procedures done and I reacted very badly to them so I became leary or anything. I needed an mri done on brain and the hospital put so much pressure on me when I tried to say no many times that eventually I got very emotional and was ready to leave and then they finally agreed to do mri without the contrast. I do not know which contrast it was but very glad I refused without giving in to the pressure.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
you have the right to ask what contrast they are using!

I have a brain tumor and need MRI's often. My doctor always gets mad at me because I refuse to get the contrast. 🤷♀️ its my body and they can see it fine without it!

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
there are other contrasts they can use, just refuse the gadolinium

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
Sorry, no auto correct for these posts🤦🏼♀️

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
sued for failure to warn🤦🏼♀️