Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
The#vaccine was never about#PublicHealth This UK government report is foreboding.
I hope everyone's loved ones are doing things now to fortify their#Immunesystem so that they can take on what this jab might do.
UK Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are rapidly developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and the Immune System decline has now begun in Chi..
The eight previous Public Health England / UK Health Security Agency 'Vaccine Surveillance' reports on Covid-19 cases show that double vaccinated 40-79 year olds have now lost lost 50% of their immune system capability and are consistently losing a further 4-5% every week (between 3.7% and..
I just sent my mom a replacement bottle of NAC to make sure they get through this winter. Researchers are finding it works best at breaking down the nanotech, destroying parasites and stoping the cytokine storm expected in those who took the jab the next time they encounter a new challenging pathogen. NAC (n-acetyl-l-cysteine) is known for supporting respiratory health and is a precursor to Glutathione, the body's top anti-oxidant, and so is great for the detoxification of all pathogens.
Best nano killer: pinch of Borax in 8oz of filtered water 3X a day for two / three weeks should kill em
Pro bono for the children. Empath super power. Following our missing children since 2015. Due Process Auditor.Fed tort case # 7:22-CV-178-FL
Thanks for sharing
Yes, NAC is just a general cure-all for covid and the jab as the Hydra parasite and spike proteins are also in play. The hot baths with a cup of Borax really work to flush out smartdust! Also you can take Boron Supplements. I like this as besides disabling and driving out nanotech Boron also is the best for removing fluoride from the endocrine system.