🧐Back in the redneck ghetto on muh tower, with my gaming key board. I don't see how folks use those tiny lil phones.
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👊Yeah, those text parts are annoying too. TOO little, I can see it, my fingers ain't that big but that hitting the wrong prompts and having to redo. Not my thang. I like a big ol computer still. lol I come from the land of actual type writers and I ain't talking even electric. lol
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Yep. There has to be a better way then the intentional lithium devices. They got rid of the hard lines in case they thought they could round us up cause harder to trace. Plus now you see with the covid death shot tracking shit. ANYTHING they have EVER produced was NEVER meant for our good down to toothpaste, deodorant, and freaking shampoo and conditioner. That leave in three minutes, that brush you teeth for two minutes, for more soft kill. ON and on, nothing they made is technically worth a shit.
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OH shit yeah, those flatscreens are fkin gigantic nanny cams. Well technically also researched the cable boxes also which in the patent, it says basically it is the portion that makes it applicable to also be used as a giant nanny cam of surveillance.
Only followers of this user (@KRaZiKiLLeTTe) can see their posts
Not as much so but it all does, think about it, those fkrs really watch us, and that means kids, in homes, that part is the part that pisses me off the very most.