If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!

Christian, Veteran, Patriot, Mom to 2 Shih Tzu's, and a German Shepherd. I love God, my Country & President. #MAGA #WWG1WGA #SaveOurChild
SCJ John Roberts aided in the "hiding" of almost 2 trillion that went missing. Another reason he's being blackmailed, he's controlled by the DS. If we know this about him, DJT and the WHs have even more evidence of his treasonous actions. Not to mention illegal adoption, Lolita express flight logs, etc

Because (GOD), (COUNTRY) no further explanation needed!
Okay this is not what Joe M said, sorry .Everybody has an opinion and I respect that. Rearranging somebody else's words to fit your little world, uh NO.
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Just A 30 Year British Army Paratrooper Who Is Now A Proud American Patriot Who Stands 4 Square Behind President Trump.
Well we will see. I For One Agree With Joe M

no one really knows what the plan is, it is possible that potus was sworn in on the 11th if the insurrection act went into effect, rendering all branches of govt void. everything on tv would just be optics. things happening definitely do not make sense, just like a good movie, enjoy the show😁

When life throws you curve balls, fuck the pitcher. ⚾️ #ForGodandCountry 🇺🇸♥️🤍💙🇺🇸 #MAGA #2A #BacktheBlue 🖤💙🖤
I hope this is true bc I watched a video today where Juan O Savin says Biden is sworn in and this shit show continues for another 45-60 days.

Just A 30 Year British Army Paratrooper Who Is Now A Proud American Patriot Who Stands 4 Square Behind President Trump.
at This Point, Who Knows But One Thing I Know Is Trump Will Still Be The President For $ More Year. 100%

🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives
Inaugueration cancelled, Trump remains in office!

Just A 30 Year British Army Paratrooper Who Is Now A Proud American Patriot Who Stands 4 Square Behind President Trump.
Its all As Clear As Day When You Stop Listening To The Bullshit.KEK

Here for our future, the future of the Republic. 🇺🇸
Is#NESARA an acronym?

Just A 30 Year British Army Paratrooper Who Is Now A Proud American Patriot Who Stands 4 Square Behind President Trump.

-GэПэя@Ŀ Пџŧ©д§Э-, Common sense. #GoodvsEvil. #KAG #IFBP #WWG1WGA #Balance #WeAreCentered #WeAreTheNews #Q #Anons #Unmuzzled @LadyDana38
How about the
'National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey ...'