Fake Masks cause high levels of CO2 intake : How Inhaled Carbon Dioxide Affects the Body
1- How Inhaled Carbon Dioxide Affects the Body – Fact Sheet Normally, humans breathe in air that is approximately 20.95% oxygen, 78.09% nitrogen, 0.93% argon, and 0.04% (400 ppm) of carbon dioxide. Like CO2, oxygen also dissolves in the lungs and is transported to the blood via diffusion across the lung tissue (alveoli). Once in the blood, oxygen is carried throughout the body by the arteries, and is used in cell metabolism throughout the body.
Carbon dioxide is given off as a by-product of cell metabolism and is carried by the blood through the venous system (veins) to the lungs. Here it is exhaled. The concentration of CO2 in each breath is ~3.8%, and the “average” person produces approximately two pounds of carbon dioxide each day. More CO2 is given off by strenuous activity. Hypercapnia, hypercarbia, or hypercapnea, is the physiological term for the condition of, and the body’s response t

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