Here to be part of the Great Awakening & to support President Trump. Raising awareness on health impacts of wireless microwave radiation.
I don't feel like there is any hope. It's gone too far now. Most of my family wiped out. Enjoy the show? Disrespectful, trite, making light of the most horrendous time in history. The Cabal are really enjoying this at the moment. It's a show for them For us a total Sh@t show.
Feeling devastated and defeated.
I know that the term "hang in there" is almost like it's becoming a cliche, but please, HANG IN THERE. Things always get the toughest at the end. Trust in God to get you thew this. I'm not making light of what you are going thew because trust me, I've been there! Hell, most of us have probably been there. Lean on us if you need to. That is why we are here!! It will end in God's perfect timing and WE will come out winners because GOD WINS. I know that when you loose a family member during this shit show it makes it harder to trust the plan because I have. I was angry that Trump had allowed this to continue to go on when I feel he could step in and end it, but this really is deeper than any of us can imagine and we have to make sure it NEVER happens again. This is a spiritual war and in war there are casualties. Keep the faith and keep trusting the plan. WWG1WGA!!! PRAY!!🙏🙏🙏 We are here for you. ❤️