Trained to Kill, Born to Save! Riding Shotgun with The Don while we smoke out the rats!
Original Gab
@no_tweets Q is not one person. It is a military operation. It is to give proofs for a later date. The media has destroyed its reputation but that is part of the plan. Q is exposing the media and they are fighting back viciously and exposing themselves. People have to see the corruption for themselves. They couldn’t be told. It has to be this way. If we could figure things out so could the enemy. But now as we watch the daily Q proofs and read them and look back…it all starts to make sense. Q is here to wake people up, tell them to put on the armor of God, to let people know that the white hats are working on this and to remind us…God wins! Sit back, watch the destruction of the NWO and enjoy the show. Q does not say it is going to be easy. Q says we are fighting a spiritual battle between good and evil and pray. Q does not say this will be over quickly but he does say when the exposure starts to enjoy the show! 🍿

Exactly, Can’t Wait Til They Get Them All!