I saw friends today I hadn’t seen in a while.
Like me, they’re un-vaxed,
don’t wear masks unless absolutely have to
& haven’t been sick.
One friend confided her cousin “died from Covid-19.”
I said, “That’s impossible. C-19 doesn’t exist.
It’s the flu, a cold.”
“Well,” my friend said, “She got vaccinated,
got very sick
had to go into Hospital
& died.”
“So" I said, "Your cousin actually died from the VAX!!”
That the 6th person I know of
who has been vaxed,
got sick,
went into Hospital
& died.
I conclude
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
Evil is its own zip code.
They have a mentality to destroy, to kill us off
The Georgia Guidestones say
they have to reduce the population to 500 million.
That means 14 out of 15 people today must die.
They mean right f*cking now.
Wake the f*ck up.
They’re doing this to the whole world.
You wake up or you die.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
maybe you can pass that along to DJT who keeps promoting the shots. A lot of people take what he says at face value. They dont follow Q or others as we do so they dont hear the clues he throws out or figure out his riddles
Many will question him when the truth comes out
Wil he tell the truth or say he didnt know it waa bad???
The answer is not so simple
but President Trump SAVED LIVES doing what he did.
He demonstrated when he "got covid"
he took Hydroxychloroquine & felt great 2 days later.
SHOWING that HCQ is a vax.
The deep state wanted us locked down for 5 years
while they "developed" a vaccine for "covid."
They wanted us in despair, suicidal, jobless, separated, hopeless.
By rushing a vaccine,
President Trump got us out of lockdown.
We are at war with evil & they want Humanity dead
except for 500 million
who they would retain as slaves.
Remember — healing technology is around the corner,
Med Beds & other amazing healing methods for all
including those with the vax/bioweapon in them.
President Trump did the best he could
in an IMPOSSIBLE situation
in this war with the devil & his army.
If people are taking a VAX
after 20 months of lockdown
vax deaths
Global protests
hundreds of thousands who WON'T COMPLY to Fascism
what can you do? 🇺🇸🦅

Human, fluoride free, unvax'd since 93, homeschooled g6+, 80%unimployed(20yrs), internet searcher (fitness, health, truth, interestings)
Trump and covid is a great example of the trolly / train problem, especially with the dem-edia whining no matter what choice is made.
In this example the jabbed are playing the part of the baby carriage.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
I have told you this before. Trump DID NOT..i REPEAT DID NOT use HCQ. he used REGENERON. get your facts straight. He took HCQ in the early days of covid for prevention.