This is basically a 3 part decode & it is good! See comments for parts 2 & 3
We Are The News
DAN COMMS: The Cabal Threatened To Indict Dan If He Sent The Storm Tweet on 10-10 [pt. 1]
For 10 days, Trump & Dan sent comms that Dan would send The Storm Tweet on 10-10 at 10:10pm. Why didn't it happen?
25 minutes after the expected 'Tweet time', Dan started a series of Tweets at 10:35pm. The first was about 'the fake news' of his evading a subpoena (in depth decode of that Tweet in next post). He sent three more, ending at 11:46pm.
To solve, find the delta between 10:35pm and 11:46pm, which is 1 hour 11 minutes. 111 = INDICTMENT.
By posting a meme with the phrase: LIVE FREE AND BE HAPPY = 174, and following that with a video of a beaver shouting RUSSIA RUSSIA = 174 this leads us to 174 = INDICT IF HE SENT IT = HAD TO SEE THE CABAL CARDS.
cont'd comments...
To confirm the solution path, RUSSIA = 87 = DAN INDICTED, which was the Cabal counter if Dan sent The Storm Tweet as telegraphed in the comms.
DAN COMMS: The Cabal Threatened To Indict Dan If He Sent The Storm Tweet on 10-10 [pt. 2]
At 10:35pm on 10-10, Dan explained why he did not post the Storm Tweet. He did this through the capital letters + numbers = 194 = MY FELLOW AMERICANS, which connected The Storm Tweet to this message. 194 = THREATENED TO INDICT.
By posting at 10:35 => 135 = INDICT OVER J6, Dan clarifies that the Cabal would pull a J6 incitement indictment as retaliation. The word 'thereafter' sticks out, and equals 106 = THE TWEET.
So, why did Dan and Trump telegraph the move? Answer: to find out what cards the Cabal still had, and thus keep Dan safe.
Q381 We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY. We will however light a FIRE to flush them out. Q
Q has telegraphed moves many times, but 9 of 10 are false. Yet, the Cabal must take every one seriously.
The next likely window for The Tweet is Oct. 27th (the watch set worth remembering), sent from il Donaldo as a Trump Statement (or Trump if his account is re-instated).
TRUMP COMMS: Ghislaine Maxwell's 'Co-Conspirators' List Will Be Publicly Revealed Soon - BIG NAMES
Trump posted a series of coded Tweets this morning, culminating in the post above, relating to the soon-to-be-public reveal of Ghislaine Maxwell's child trafficking accomplices. While Anons have known these details for a long time, it is compelling to see Trump name names (albeit in code).
Alleged Maxwell Co-Conspirators include: HRC, Bill Clinton, Bill & Melinda Gates, Oprah, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Jeffrey Epstein, BO, Prince Andrew (many more).
Q854 The nail in many coffins [liberal undo]. [Impossible to defend]. [Toxic to those connected].
America [and the WORLD] will be UNIFIED, but not in political viewpoint. WE will be UNIFIED in collective disgust and horror from these difficult, necessary truths.