A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.
Masks don't keep you safe, they destroy your immune system and becoming a breeding ground for disease.
Ventilators don't save lives, they end them.
Remdesivir doesn't save lives, it lines pockets with cash.
Covid doesn't spread on surfaces.
PCR tests aren't specific to Covid-19. If you've ever been sick, you'll likely test positive (especially when the cycle threshold has been doubled).
Viruses don't mutate into a more deadly form, they become weaker in order to keep the host alive.
Vaccines don't stop the spread of Covid, they exacerbate it greatly.
Vaccines don't lessen the symptoms of Covid, they exacerbate them greatly.
Healthy unvaccinated people with strong immune systems aren't capable of perpetuating a pandemic.
Unhealthy triple vaccinated people with destroyed immune systems ARE capable of perpetuating a pandemic.
Continued in the comments
Excellent summary.
Only one small thing I'd add is that while ventilators are the absolute wrong treatment for Covid, they do have a place for other issues. One I know is that when they very heavily drug a patient for pain (after an extensive operation, for instance) - the drugs can depress the breathing reflex so a ventilator may be appropriate. They are very frightening for patients though. They have to LET it breathe for them, and not struggle to control their own breathing rate. Unfortunately, some patients panic and try and yank it out, so by default, they restrain your arms, tied to the bedrails. Which causes even more panic.
It is beyond cruel not to allow a quiet but loving family member to be with them to ease their fears.
Just adding this in case a family member really needs one. Make sure you ask the doctors WHY it is needed. It's not to force air into already congested lungs with extensive tissue damage.
A huge Trump supporter living in Canada.
Very well said, thank-you.