JUST had some fkin Jehovah's witnesses park dead ass in front of my house, to scout my neighbors house, I like those neighbors and I know good and dang well they don't like that. SO I hollered my neighbors aren't home. They thought they were gonna talk that shit to me. I said no don't even bother, ya'll go get you some Jesus while you can. Leave the area. WHICH reminded me heard they were involved in trafficking also. Maybe not the stupids that come out. ALSO am reminded where Jesus says of darkness not to even bid it a good day.
Last thing my spirit filled sis across the street wanted was that crap on her property and her husband getting woke up that works night shift. NOT today or ever Satan, REALLY does take a village. I got their six, in all ways.
MAY my parting words ring in their ears, go get you some Jesus while you can. PLUS faked them out by fake filming them when I felt that demonic aggression. FK off satan.
WITH stupid ass masks on no less.