They are shameless and they will do whatever they have to do to promote their agenda.”
Watch this young independent journalist describe what he uncovered about Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris.

Enter Joe Biden, the inept faux president, soon to be removed from position due to lack of mental capacities… Kamel Harris is no longer a heartbeat away😢

I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.
Come on Kamala?!!!
Do something right for once?

Hiker-Kayaker-Bicyclist-Paddleboarder (⊙﹏⊙✿) life➭the way I see it, posted here ☯︎_0️⃣social.creditz
kamalaho = shamless power hungry vindictive dick sucker
pretty concise info