Venezolano pais de 7 estrellas #penacapitalatodosloscorruptos #portelegaldearmasalosciudadanos #prohibirelsocialismo wwg1wga
I miss level 7. where are the Zionist Jews
What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten
up your race baiting ass
Venezolano pais de 7 estrellas #penacapitalatodosloscorruptos #portelegaldearmasalosciudadanos #prohibirelsocialismo wwg1wga
It is not uncommon for the gloom of a kike to always respond with an insult, nothing to contribute with meaning.
What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten
name one thing hitler ever did on a surface level that didnt have anything to do with race
Venezolano pais de 7 estrellas #penacapitalatodosloscorruptos #portelegaldearmasalosciudadanos #prohibirelsocialismo wwg1wga
are you extraterrestrial? it all has to do with race, blood, genetic inheritance. Or because you think that the Jews from the past have been in charge of destroying the white race? Hitler did everything possible to defend the German race and Europe. Or do you think that what happens in Europe and the US with directed migrations is something spontaneous? read the kalergi plan. all countries should do the same to defend the blood of their ancestors. Each nation is unique not because of its space, but because of its race.
What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten
genetic inheritance..funny
as if hitler didnt muddy german blood with reptilian dna and then forced his entire populace to do the same
Venezolano pais de 7 estrellas #penacapitalatodosloscorruptos #portelegaldearmasalosciudadanos #prohibirelsocialismo wwg1wga
reptile? really? that you are 8 years old?
I understand, genetic inheritance is a very deep word for a child.
your bloodline is as watered down as genetically modified rats and hugging a fiend makes you feel wanted