Looking for Vlad Tenevs parents NAMES, haven't found Yet. While reading through this article, this pops up..Why? He does look like Steve Jobs, is he a clone? What does Lisa BRENNAN Jobs show up?
Read for yourself.. https://www.google.com/search?q=who+are+vlad+tenev+parents&rlz=1CAVUZL_enUS926US926&oq=who+are+vlad&aqs=chrome.0.0i3j0j69i57j0l5.7743j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
"He went to school at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. ... Born on a farm and named in a field by her parents--artist Chrisann Brennan and Steve Jobs--Lisa Brennan-Jobs's childhood unfolded in a
No listing of Parents name, Only that Vlad was born in Bulgaria and came to USA from there. Splash in articel about Lisa BRENNAN Jobs. Lisa Brennans fathers name James Brennan. All searches of ?, "Are John Brennan and James related? Jumps to lisa or john - but no answers,,
What if, man this is out there and an assumption, Vlad Tenev is related in some fashion to Steve Jobs OR a part of the Brennan family, by relation to Lisa? I think i slipped into a rabbit hole withpout answers, just grabbing another shovel!
unfolded in a rapidly changing Silicon Valley."