I have been told by my company that I have to provide a statement from a religious authority associated with my church validating MY beliefs about the jab mandates being tied into the mark of the beast. I don't know a single "authority" that would do it, which is frightening. It is evidence to me of the great deception caused by the false prophet of Rev 13 already worked thoroughly into society. Even with such a statement, they've basically said that religious exemptions will be "very limited" which tells me that any religious exemptions allowed are not going to be Bible-based Christian convictions of this sort but probably anything that is overtly and definitively non-Christian (such as Jewish kosher or Muslim hallal cleanliness-based objections). This may be the end of the line for me in my career because they also made veiled threats that any defense contractors would likely see this as making me unhireable in the future.

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
this harassment is basically a violation of your civil rights……i would open up a formal HR complaint

this isn't coming from my direct management. it's coming from the top down in a fairly big company and HR is actually the enforcement arm doing it. it would be like complaining to the psychopathic thug who's beating the crap out of you "hey! someone is beating the crap out me!"
the motive for them is $$$ because they're a government contractor

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
we do NOT need a clergyman or priest or rabbi to speak for our beliefs… these are OUR religious exemption docs…. address Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights act regarding undue burden on employer… put the kabash on that right away..

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
mentioning mark of the beast is fine if that’s your belief …. but, and i am not a lawyer or expert … but i am staying away from mentioning anything that can be construed to involve politics … if the vax turns out not to be the mark the beast your reasoning is blown

the vax itself doesn't have to be the mark of the beast, just part of a process or system that leads to or turns into the mark. the mere fact that it is basically being demanded of all people everywhere in order to participate in society is de facto allowing or preventing you from buying or selling anything depending on whether you bear the vax is enough for me to say "No, I do not consent" for this specific reason. And the only reason it could be PROVEN to not be "the mark" would be if something that is the actual mark were rolled out and someone said, "see...that wasn't the mark. THIS is."
World leaders have already said that this will pave the way for - literally usher in - "carbon lockdowns". what is significant about carbon-12?

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
mark of the beast? not necessary to mention

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
they are wrong and don’t know what they’re talking about

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
They’re trying to intimidate you …. create your religious exemption doc….a good document … and let them know you will not be intimidated by threats. then sue for wringful termination. if the document hits all the legal points you may very well win. i am in the same boat. fight!!!!!

Finally glad to know I haven't been crazy all these decades.....found my people!
direct message me

i don't think i can and i don't know why. when i go to your page and click on the word balloon icon, it says "you do not have permission to direct messages to this chat"

You'd do well to go to RFK, Jr's website & read/listen to his statement wrt to SCOTUS rendering a verdict against FAUCI & the vaccine, essentially stripping employers of legitimacy to bully employees into taking it. But it may be that A.G. Garland's "pixies" haven't figured out that THEY'RE all on "CANDID CAMERA" as they further OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.
YOU do not have to submit to BELITTLING from any HR sub-creature (there's a reason "Ratbert" was HR Chief in "Dilbert" comics). FACT that aborted fetal tissue incorporated into the shot, which IS a VALID REASON for SPIRITUAL OBJECTION. PLUS SCOTUS ruled the shot isn't a "VACCINE" since its NOT PREVENTING REINFECTION.
If you are tired of fighting w/ idiots @ your job, tell them, there IS a SCOTUS decision, an attorney WILL be submitting a LETTER on your BEHALF very soon.

I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.

WWG1WGA I am a child of GOD and only god for I-AM 9
then you fight why give up? let them sack you and take them to court then when you get them in court use your health minister subpoena them and ask the health person to produce to thw court that they uave isolated the virus if they cannot prove it then the vaccine mandate becomes invalid and why your at it lodge a complaint with the human rights commission never give up think of the reward you will be a rich person if you take them to court