I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
I'm not buying it 😂😂
Just kidding 😂😂
People working 2-3 jobs each day
have a routine of work,work work.
No life life life
After I put my 50 years in
I had to deprogram myself.
It was difficult
Probably took 3 years,
I had A little Help from pneumonia, and leg injury.
Which helped a lot. (isn't that something)
Once "you" learn real living
Life is bliss.
I believe God wanted us to have "Real Living"
free advice 😂😂

Covid crap screwed up my routine

#God #MAGA #Trump #Flynn #Family #Cats #Horses #Happiness #MyLifeMatters
If you do not have a routine then you need to adopt pets!!! I have 3 horses, a donkey, dog and 2 cats. My first 3 hrs is feeding, grooming, mucking. the rest of the day is shopping for them and vacuuming LOL. I have a healthy routine!! Exercise and fresh air!