And don't tell me this shit ain't got nothing to do with death shots either. AND black goo.

Wife, Mother, Grandma of 7, Quilter & DigitalSoldier, from SW Michigan.
Shoot! They don't have to prove it to me...I have been seeing it in the skies for years now...drives me nutz!!! Everyone thinks I'm nutz when I even point it out!! Geez...I just pray someone puts a stop to it before they ruin our beautiful planet.

I hate it too. Just flipped two off this morning. I like laying out in the sun and don't appreciate these pos at all. There is a deep place in hell waiting on the ones that do it.

Here for the patriots. Trump is my president. #WWG1WGA NCSWIC Enjoying the movie
My 82 year old mother said they were doing this when she was a kid. She said they called it seeding the clouds

They started with from what I was told acquiring planes via the UN funds, black op funneling. Was told they would increase more as they acquired more. ALL under their climate change ruse. It is down right poison. I would like to know what ahole in the services they talked into believing it was good.

JUST TO 2003, so what have they made since then.