Doing Patriotic Shit 🖋️
Yesterday we filed 3 cases against our school board. A photographer, a construction worker and a cna all stepped out of our comfort zone. We read laws and rules, did a shit load of paperwork, walked into the belly of the beast and got it done, with a whole lot of behind the scenes help from the admins here in this group. Couldn't have, wouldn't have done it if not for@toresays lighting a fire under our asses. We didn't do it for recognition, we did it because it needs to be done. We are not perfect, we are not expecting to win this one, but we'll know what we did wrong for the next one. They are fucking with our kids. It's time to stand up. Good luck and God bless to all in this group looking to do the same, we are willing to help in any way we can. Prayers are always welcome and appreciated. Much love to everyone in this group.
(Forwarded message)
Fantastic!!! Congratulations!!