9-29-21 Juan O Savin
All October, Red October
is going to feel like it gets worse every single day.
October is about seeing red in every category:
Stock Market
Conflict with Red China.
McAfee disclosures on Telegram is legit.
The same crew that's been running
the 17th letter of the alphabet.
The stuff that’s going to be released
is gruesome.
It’s bloody.
It’s red.
October for both White Hats & Black Hats
is going to be red.
What would be the one glimmer of 🌟LIGHT?🌟
The 2nd part of The Book of Esther
is the flip, the Reversal of Fortune.
President Trump is calling the Biden Administration illegitimate.
Why wait till '24? I’ll be back!
The 17 stuff is about everything gets turned on its ear.
“We have it all.”
There is a moment on the Purge Day
that's the actual flip.
At first glimmer of sun over the horizon
the horns blast, it's go-time.
What would be that in most people’s minds
that signals a reversal?
An arrest, say?

I’m just gonna say this….I pray this ends in October so badly!! i’ve seen patriots worn out, had loved ones die and they just kinda gave up. i know you have to have a plan, but if you have it all, then let ‘er rip!! Take these pedos out. People are NOT believing anything anymore b/c of disinformation. God is Sovereign, He knows. i pray for more patience, i hurt for those who hurt and i love Jesus, DJT, and our great Military! let’s roll guys!

You said it perfectly for me, Catherine,
& I suspect for MILLIONS of us.
Let 'er rip!!! 💪💥🇺🇸🦅👊

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
in two minds if they release info on children first they risk losing everyone
none will cope
if they release info on children first it might unite the world
fine balancing act
flip a coin
but i think not yet,

AWAKE NOT WOKE. Filia Dei. Australian Patriot. Digital Soldier. WITNESS. Truth is a force of Nature. Truth is a Force. Truth Is.

I think Juan was talking about at the end of October.
Some BIG arrest here in the USA
will signal the START of the reversals.
Do we have an EBS & Martial Law to get through first?
I have NO IDEA!
But we've synced up with Q's RED OCTOBER, for sure.
Buckle up
it's always darkest before the flip
to light, truth, justice
& The Best Is Yet To come! 🙏🌟💖