Someone has definitely blown it. In the end, whoever put together this plan will have to be charged with absolute treason. You cannot kill people, destroy lives, business, etc. in the name of some idiotic plan that has now dragged out how long?
And it's the same grifters cashing in on podcasts and these nation wide "seminars" who say "we have it ALL" or "Arizona will be decertified on Friday", then nothing EVER happens. NOTHING.
Turn on War Room. Bannon babbling on and on again, running with the distraction while pretending he didn't say Trump would be back by 8/15, one of MANY of his lies. Poso sits there with a glazed look on his face and just smooth talks Hussein style. It's amazing what we are witnessing.
Arizona. Today. Nothing. No decertification/nullification. No arrests. More babbling from Gwendolyn Rogers and Markus Allen Finchem, but ZERO action.
I was FlyAnon on Twitter and Gab... Supports Trump, Transparency, Q, Rule of Law and Disclosure of Crime in Government.