We learned that an ample amount of highly questionable votes were discovered to potentially change the winner. And that was what was found.
Who knows how many votes were illegal?
It is almost impossible to know the answer to this question when relevant voting evidence was unlawfully destroyed and relevant voting evidence was withheld from the auditors by county officials.
Voting records must be maintained by law for 22 months. Maricopa County violated the law.
If the election was conducted lawfully (“most secure election ever”), why did Maricopa officials not cooperate with the auditors’ requests for relevant materials and information. Because they have something to hide - evidence of illegality. Again, the Maricopa officials violated the law.
The cherry on the cake was the clear evidence that the machines were not properly certified and were accessed via the Internet. Pretty damning when an expert concludes that a baby hacker could have hacked the election system in
Discernment is critical.
Arizona purged election data the day before the audits. The media is reporting that Biden still won, what they are not reporting is that the auditors were provided with altered data.
Election data was deliberately destroyed to prevent the auditors from accessing it.
The auditors know exactly who destroyed the data.
The identity of the criminal was given to AG Brnovich.
... CBK news