Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
WE THE PEOPLE will decide if there is a decertification or not.
NOT Doug Ducey.
Fuck you Doug! This is not a game.
Last few days we heard a "Deal" was made, regarding
the machines in Az.
90% of the mtg was taken up by County Officials, lying
about a 100% secure election. Few ppl watched the 3 hr
defense, to hear the pared down 15min audit results.
Hoping "The Deal" was to not embarrass the State w/ALL
the facts, as long as ALL involved resign & are prosecuted.
Very disappointing.

We are here to Serve. God Wins, Patriots must #HoldTheLine. Love all. Help those that need help now and forever.
It's what you haven't seen that matters.
- Obstruction by the County.
- Why would a machine that "Can't" be connected to the Internet have a physically installed Wi-Fi card?
** What could not be analyzed is the Smoking Gun.
** Only 1 password - True of ALL Dominion Systems.
**** Bigger issue now. Mesa County, CO + Every County / State that uses Dominion has data that can be manipulated.
- Dr. Shiva was compelling. What happened Nov. 4-9 is statistically impossible.