Today was the perfect day to send a message to the trash. Failed again. Absolutely stunning to see this idiotic, moronic plan unfold. It's as if a 3rd grader came up with it.
Cannot wait for Trump to explain it ALL. Absolutely disgraceful mockery. And now tomorrow, more of the same talk from the VERY same guy who promised to drain the swamp.
Zero arrests.
Zero justice.
Zero country.
Zero President.
Blood all over the hands of those we were supposed to trust the most.

come on another 6 moths hold the line or tomrrow ebs etc etc man these people just type to type half already have there vax or work from home they arent about actually fighting for freedom they want other people to do it dont Believe the hype every day something going to happen the Poof its gone they dont answer or post another fake ass decode to keep it going we have fucking soilders getting felnoies dor getting dishonorable discharges etc no one seems to care only decode twitter fingers

We must wake up 70% of the people. Bullshit. Fuck the trash who enabled this. Eliminate the people who enabled this from the face of the MOTHER FUCKING earth.
What a trash pit we live in. And now today more meaningless, empty words from the guy who lied and told us "we will drain the swamp" and he has done NOTHING of the sort. Not a single thing!