all I know..is the more I know.. the more I know that I don't know..you know?
TRUMP COMMS: [They] Reneged On The Deal - Unleash Hell
It seems the Cabal reneged on the deal [they] made with White Hats last week. The deal was [they] would make the Fake News show the full extent of election fraud from the AZ Audit, in exchange for delaying the EBS Broadcast a few weeks.
While this could be a last minute threat from White Hats to apply pressure, it appears the Cabal has changed [their] mind. How do
It seems the Cabal reneged on the deal [they] made w/WhiteHats last wk. The deal was [they] would make the Fake News show the full extent of election fraud from the AZ Audit, in exchange 4delaying the EBS Broadcast a few weeks.
continued in reply
Again, the cabal answers to the father of lies. Why would you believe anything they say?