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Red October
Phase Three
Big pill being swallowed
Let the rains begin
Let them wash the dirt and expose the truth
Internet, Ripplenet, The Doge Father. All are finished!?
Mockingbird can't hide the pretender, HH is their code.
Body doubles expose the swamp
Chinese missiles are not comets, Coup detat
Let the cold wake people up
The CIA's treason will be exposed
Biden in chains
The sudden death will be a warning, headshot, heard everywhere
God is coming, his opponent is here
Many head south to avoid what is due north
(When) The Levee Breaks tears will flow like the ocean
Reason will dry the sea emotions filled
The climate is a lie, the gang of 8 die
Q clears the board, internet 2.0
Be careful what you wish for
13+17 fight for the prize
Weapons unknown before
Game over.
The children win.
The Bible identifies Jesus as the light of the world, and the son of God. T H U S ... God is light.