The Church of Satan was 6066 days old when Nicki was born, and she will be exactly 666 months old on the eve of this Halloween. That very tweet by Minaj came 666 days after Patient Zero was confirmed with Covid.
Nicki Minaj is an alphanumeric anagram of her birth name: "Onika Maraj."
I love it when people go beyond themselves and think like the enemy. It helps give everything so much more context. War is real, my friends.Do you really think that "they" would let a Hollywood star with over 22 million subscribers speak out against a jab if there was no reason to? She's a slave to the system. You They are doing what is called controlled opposition. Imagine that... Nikki is "doing more research...
Now ALL the people who follow this creep trust her even more, and when she takes a shot, they will follow suit. Why? Because she "questioned it." Don't you see their charade? It's all staged. It's for the master plan. It's called "reverse psychology," these are huge manipulators
I think Nikki is incarcerated. Like Jeffrey.