"The wedding officiant was Reverend Charles O’Byrne who had traveled from the St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church in Manhattan to perform the ceremony. Since the service took place in the evening and because the small church had no electricity, the inside was light by candles and kerosene lamps. A small wooden stand served as the altar and it was decorated with greenery, the only other decoration was a cross made from two pieces of wood tied together with rope. The ceremony was very short with several members of the bridal couple’s families giving scripture readings, also “'Amazing Grace' and 'Will the Circle Be Unbroken' hymns were performed by gospel singer David Davis."

so beautiful ❤️🥰

VictorianLivingHistoryActor CASmallBizOwner CivilServant HorseRanchOwner-I say F*ck & like pretty things #DILLEY300
a simple, but dreamy ceremony ❤️