That poor baby getting upset and they STILL trying to put that mask on? When we get upset, we are more prone to hyperventilate. Did they not have the damn sense to realize that?
Does the mother know about this? If so, will she take him out of this destructive environment? Or does she agree to having them force the mask on a child?
AND, having more than one person there (different voices) trying to crowd the child to go against his free will - I bet they will tell the mother how "uncooperating" this child is (according to them).
I would NOT tolerate something like this! 20 years ago when my young son was in school and misbehaved (according to the teachers) because he broke his pencil - they put him in a room and 5 or 6 of them crowded around him and backing him into a corner, it caused him to lose it. They showed me the video of his "behavior". I turned on them with a fury and told them it was a REACTION to THEIR bad behavior.
I ended up homeschooling him.

I would use any means including deadly force if necessary, to stop child abuse