ワタシ ハ ワタシ ヲ スクウ #Qanon #QArmyJapanFlynn https://gab.com/Yukkie https://note.com/nixspiritus
https://t.me/WeTheMedia/5638 より
Considering who was at the helm of the agency at the time I believe it's a fairly safe assumption that they took it.
I suppose it's too much to ask that our "premiere" law enforcement agency not be run by corrupt POS criminals.
"They had 50 agents there. We have witnesses that they were there all night with armored cars,” Cluck told the outlet. “So, what are we supposed to believe? We are convinced that they found gold.”
その時 誰が捜査機関の舵取りをしていたのかを考えると彼らがそれを奪ったというのはかなり安全な仮説だと思うよ
堕落した売春婦犯罪者がこの最高の法執行機関を運営しないことを求めるのは あまりにも無理があると思うが
"50人の捜査官がいた "装甲車で一晩中そこにいたという 目撃者がいる "とクラック氏は語っています "「では どう信じればいいのか?"我々は彼らが金塊を見つけたと確信している"