🔴Crossfire Hurricane: The ruling…“found violations of the government’s duty of candor in all four [FISA] applications.”
The entire “Russia, Russia, Russia” investigation was illegal! Seriously?! Tell me about it.
Now Chief Justice John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, how about doing your job and hold people accountable. That’s your job in this case. No more hand slapping. You would quickly renew some level of confidence in the judiciary (not all because it is that far gone).
The years of extortion and abuse of the American people deserve accountability.
Abuse and violations of our privacy have been far to often and to egregious and this latest report stinks.
🔵gen flynn
FISA Court Confirms The Government Lied In Every Spy Warrant Application Against Carter Page
A newly declassified June ruling from a FISA court shows the government lied about its legal basis for spying on former Trump campaign official Carter Page.
God fearing, Jesus loving, constitution loving, Trump supporter,and most of all SAVE THE CHILDREN!
Justice Roberts is no longer Chief Justice, it is Chief Justice Clarence Thomas!