Keep that positive inner light that shines bright within you strong, otherwise, they win. Together we are strong. Righteousness always wins!
They did it! Robert F Kennedy, Jr. and Del BigTree did it!! They finally proved the long held that
“VACCINES don’t cause autism” is completely false. And they forced the CDC to remove their statement saying it!
The CDC can no longer claim that VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!
Because they can... and they do.
In 1980 autism was 1 in 10,000
1986: Then vax industry lost liability and the massive increase in unsafe childhood immunizations began
1990’s: autism 1 in 500
And multi-vial concoctions paired with Tylenol and the ever increasing doses...including neurotoxic aluminum continued...
2018: 1 in 36 children with autism.
2021: American children will get 72 doses of vaccines and there are over 250 in the pipeline.
By 2030: at this increasing rate, autism is projected to be 1 in 2 children.
That is the end of a nation.
Are you awake yet?
The greatest lie that has ever been told has finally been exposed.
What are you going
It's because they knew that the next generation of angelic children would usher in the necessary change.
This is why they target them!
All they can do is delay the inevitable!
They have NO power over the Godly🗝
All they have is disinformation and corruption of the weak.
Nothing can stop what is coming= the realization that evil exists and has been made to flourish🤔
Inside US All is the light of truth.
Soon we will all understand.
Do not loose hope, have Faith in Good!
Our power is LOVE!
More than we know!😍