A hopeful guess/rumor is being discussed and analyzed .....
based on President Trump statement.
Tip of the hat to WhipLash347
A . First of all, remember this important part of the premise is that the Julian Calendar is basically 13 days behind our Gregorian calendar (adjusting the date from Trump's statement).
So the adjustment leads you to September 19.
And since it said we are “2 days ahead of schedule”, it lesds to the actual date of Friday the 17th.
B. Initial statement ......what Trump said yesterday "Pray for 21 days".
The 21st day would be October 2nd.
Drop 2173 has a link about a presidential alert on October 3rd.
Drop 2320 is on October 3rd. 2018.
Shows a wireless alert and says " What a day".

Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield
Veronica was 64, MM would be almost 100.

USA Veteran. WWG1WGA "The greatest movement in the history of the World."

I love you all and I love President Trump #wwg1wga 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 also Neg 48 with his beautiful voice said similar timeline 🙏🙏❤️🙏❤️

I Pray! We Already Lost Our Beautiful Patriot Veronica!

USA Veteran. WWG1WGA "The greatest movement in the history of the World."
Yes. I agree!
not to create a false hope here..or to seem disrespectful at all.... but this has happened before .... that we have lost a good friend in a celebrity passing away. Like Rush Limbaugh recently , yet we have deduced now that he is not really gone - he will show up as his original identity he had long ago , which was as Jim Morrison, of The Doors.
The scenario of Veronica being in a hospital and not getting the best of care seems suspect only because she had many friends in high places in powerful positions . So, perhaps, just perhaps, Veronica was still helping the cause of waking people up by portraying an example of neglect/ wrongful decisions in hospitals with serious , irreversible outcomes. While also needing to transform from that identity, like Rush Limbaugh, to a previously held identity. It was rumored she was MM. This passing could provide the opportunity to return to her former self to join in on "The best is yet to come" .

USA Veteran. WWG1WGA "The greatest movement in the history of the World."