this whole show, is really to opress the black woman and oraise the white man, this whole thing, is about saving the genetics of the whiteys
This has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read.
If you truly believe your post, then you're racist and part of the problem. If you refer to anyone by the color of their skin in a derogatory way, you're racist. That makes you part of the problem, not the solution.
did i lffend your good christian morals and sensibilities ? i am truly sorry,i will learn to adapt my views to fit yours, oh wise and holy leader
Do you listen to yourself? All of your responses are inflammatory. Why do you find it necessary to label those with different opinions than your own in negative names?
im still waiting for your side of how the white man never commited genocide at all, despite thousands of years worth of history claiming other wise, but yeah im the dumbass
We weren't speaking of genocide. And if we're speaking facts; light skin was a evolution of man. Mankind started with dark skin because of the amount of sunlight. It was protection. As man migrated north, skin became lighter due to less sunlight exposure. As to genocide, white men are not the only ones to kill off people of different ethnicities. Warring tribes in Africa, the Egyptians. There are more throughout history. There are no atrocities that can be attributed to only one ethnic group.
marcus anthony invaded cleopatra and kush, babylon, rome , greece, i just named most of the atrocity perpetrators, lol