Jn10:10 The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, I came so you may have life abundantly.
Tortured Baby Corpses Come to Surface During European Floods | Politics | Before It's News
Around 600 tortured corpses of babies lay in a German gymnasium this week. The bodies washed up into homes and rivers during floods and were believed from an extensive underground tunnel system where children were tortured, organs and blood harvested for elites to drink in Satanic worship.
https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2021/07/tortured-baby-corpses-come-to-surface-during-european-floods-3240656.htmlTelegram: Contact @vereinigteWahrheitsbewegung
Top 20 Radio TV - 10.00 Uhr am 26.Juli.2021 - von heute neue Nachrichten - Thema ist die Flutkatastrophe und Babyleichen in der Flutkatastrophe - tun.in/se7B5 @vereinigteWahrheitsbewegung