Have flown 2x this year. Walked the airports sans mask. Was not the only one. Not one person, security, airline staff, etc stopped me. If we all stopped complying with the insanity they Could Not Stop Us!
Mom 4 boys, 2 Army Vets. MI Grandma to 9 Wife 40 yrs GOD Family Country... I Truly miss the Good Old Days when life was Simple. less HATE
yeah just got back from VA clinic with my sick son. Kinda amazing how many INCLUDING guy who "meets u @ door inside" has mask around chin till they see you!!! lol
I put a stupid fkn mask on cuz he desperately needs a cliser Neurosurgeon & been getting run a around for 3 months AGAIN!!!!
🙂 This time he Let Mom Bi@#h at em! 😅🤣🤣😅
🤷♂️I never complied from the beginning. If stores said I had to wear a mask, I left and am never shopping there again. Same with the "vaccine", NEVER getting it no matter what!