Following God's path of Truth via Presidents Kennedy, Trump & John Jr. We are The Light as God's Children. Pray to Win The War.
The more money they have, the more will be given back to the People under 13818! - How sweet justice is - the worse and more greedy they were - the more they will pay! Thank You President Kennedy and Trump.
(Schwab - verb: to tell complete falsehoods with no regard for the actual truth. Most often used in layers of falsehoods.
Ashkenazic - Gematria: Serpent.)
He is an underling of the vanquished. I bet he is trying to do deals.
Enjoying the Show!

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!
Probably related to Klaus Schwab, too.