Proud American - Faith in Humanity - Indivisible Under God
It was a CIA/MOSSAD Psyop, for several reasons.
1. The Cabal wanted to run a natural gas pipeline through Iraq, but Sadaam Hussein said no. This last piece of pipeline was all the cabal needed to have control of almost all the natural gas in the Middle East. Big, Big profits to sell to gas poor Europe. They needed an excuse to go in and kill Hussein.
2. On September 11, 2001, President George W Bush was scheduled to announce NESARA at 10:00am from the White House. Once the Psyop began, NESARA was forgotten. The Bush dynasty attempted to steal the NESARA funds, but White Hats moved the documentation.
3. There were tons of Gold in the vault beneath the WTC buildings. Just before the explosives were detonated, it was stolen by the cabal and CIA.