Everything has changed as of today.
This is what Patriots have been waiting for.
from the deep state tyrannies 💪😼💥🙏
🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸
This 5-page 8-30-21 DECLARATION was signed by
Man Of God
= President Trump, Q-Team, etc. 💞🌎
Clicking did not work. Right click and "open in new tab" worked for me. How do we know this is legitimate Kat???
White Hats sent the DECLARATION pdf to Charlie Ward
on Saturday 9-4-21
to dispense to all.
Charlie recorded several videos about it this a.m.
with Mel K., Simon Parkes & a few others.
It's legit.
Charlie Ward was chosen by the White Hats
because he has 15 million + followers
& because he has been working with them for YEARS
on the Quantum Financial System,
as well as delivering GOLD & precious metals
all over the globe,
for the GCR / RV 🙏😼💪🇺🇸
Well time will tell. Not that I don't agree with the verbiage as it lists the long, long list of egregious offenses against the God's people. I'm not sure that I trust Charlie Ward. Why not choose Americans to send this missive out??? There are PLENTY of Americans that have large followings that could have and should have posted this message. Just saying....it's our journey and fight...WE THE PEOPLE!
Charlie and Simon are TRUE PATRIOTS 👊
Wife, mother and grandmother, Christian, truth fighter/promoter , love gardening, and good music, lace designer, maker and instructor.
YES, THEY ARE! THEY JUST POSTED A VIDEO WIT A VERY IMPORTSNT NEWS! I AM TRYING TO WATCH IT BUT IT WONT START... HERE IT IS https://www.bitchute.com/video/pJCznDhLyoj0/?list=notifications&randomize=false
Light-Bringer 🌟 💜 Spiritual Warrior 4 God ☀️ Gaia, Jesus, Trump 🦁 & The Children 🙏 Galactic Interfacer 👽 Ascension 5D 💙 JKD MMA 💦
I'm just listening to this now! thanks for posting Elena 👍 🌟
Bless you, WL.
I get sick & tired of defending
the wonderful Charlie Ward
(& Juan O Savin, Simon Parkes, Gene Decode, etc.)
I've been attacked unceasingly
since March 2020 when I began transcribing
Charlie's videos.
My favorites are the ones he made
on his morning walks with his iPhone! 🤩
We not only have to fight off
deep state demon shills, bots & algorithms,
but also black hats in Patriot's clothing
or impatient Patriots who STILL can't see the bigger picture
that this is a war for control of Planet Earth,
Galaxy & Solar System!
in an instant ALL will be cleansed.
THAT is my constant vision
& KNOWING 🙏😽💞🇺🇸💪😼☮️
Light-Bringer 🌟 💜 Spiritual Warrior 4 God ☀️ Gaia, Jesus, Trump 🦁 & The Children 🙏 Galactic Interfacer 👽 Ascension 5D 💙 JKD MMA 💦
You put yourself out there in service to the Greater Good and so you are on the front lines of that 🙏 just like Charlie, Simon and all the Patriots! Thank Q Kat - Everything you do impacts us all, even those under the spell, they are shifting too 👍 Love & Trust are our Super Powers 👊 😻 💥
I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
I get many Patriots are frustrated cause at this stage it is very difficult to trust anybody with ALL of the disinformation. I’m frustrated, but have learned to try & relax. You have to admit, many came before them like Yosef, Tank to name just 2 since you know what I’m talking about. I now live by the old Pepe saying “Drop the boom & leave the room”! If they don’t like the info, they can cry all day, but I already left the room! I appreciate your work even if I’m not sure I agree 100% of the time. 👍🏻
Still how do you know this for a FACT???
Light-Bringer 🌟 💜 Spiritual Warrior 4 God ☀️ Gaia, Jesus, Trump 🦁 & The Children 🙏 Galactic Interfacer 👽 Ascension 5D 💙 JKD MMA 💦
requiring facts & proof = 3D
trusting intuition/knowing = 5D 🌟