BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs-Supreme Court has can..
BIG PHARMA AND ANTHONY FAUCI HAVE LOST A LAWSUIT FILED BY ROBERT F KENNEDY JR AND A GROUP OF SCIENTISTS! Just got this: Has not been in the news anywhere. Looks like we are getting closer to the Final Scene in the movie. Please ALERT everyone in the family, friends and relatives! BREAKING NEWS ! [&h..
BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs-Supreme Court has can..
BIG PHARMA AND ANTHONY FAUCI HAVE LOST A LAWSUIT FILED BY ROBERT F KENNEDY JR AND A GROUP OF SCIENTISTS! Just got this: Has not been in the news anywhere. Looks like we are getting closer to the Final Scene in the movie. Please ALERT everyone in the family, friends and relatives! BREAKING NEWS ! [&h.. followers of this user (@gingersnapstx) can see their posts

This story came out on the website a couple of days ago but cited no sources. Another internet site, stated that this story is not true and that no court docket exists pertaining to the lawsuit.
IMO, without sources, its best to assume that this report isn't true. Much as we would like to believe otherwise.

this is nowhere on the supreme court docs or findings