Sep 02 2021 - What Will It Take For Humanity To STOP COMPLYING?#PrayForAustralia WWG1WGA 🇦🇺
How do you awaken an entire planet that has been domesticated and trained to submit?#TheGreatAwakening

Followed Q from the beginning, thank you to Dave at X22. WWG1WGA UK Patriot
By the way Kiwis and Ozys...... when your Governemnt create false flag events to take your guns from you they are doing it for a fucken reason....... who could have possibly not seen this fucken coming down the shit pipe....... NOTHING is random. My doesy family back in NZ still think they live in fucken Godzone...... I warned them back in 2003/4 when billionaires were buying property out there that something was up. If Hillary had got in there was going to be a limited nuke war with Russia and these fuckers were moving out of the way, luckily Trump got in. This is what state education does, dumbs them down so much they become hamsters on a the fucken wheel the state made for them. Design and build your own fucken wheel

Followed Q from the beginning, thank you to Dave at X22. WWG1WGA UK Patriot
Dumb Kiwis are exactly the same

Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome