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Other Countries are FED up Too! βοΈπ€βοΈ
Canada News
There have been protests against mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passes in almost every major City in Canada. People across Canada have also been protesting against Justin Trudeau in each stop he has made in the last 3 week. So much so that even our Liberal pro Trudeau CBC is taking notice. I think CBC smell blood in the water for Trudeau. They sense the sharks are coming and it won't be pretty on election day September 20th, 2021. just 17 days away. Justin Trudeau real Dad was Fidel Castro on Pierre Trudeau. Margret Trudeau was know to be quite promiscuous, it was no secret back in the 70's.
Trudeau has turned into a Tyrant and Dictator.
People in Canada are tired of Trudeau's bully tactics.