"Have courage and be kind." I love God & all His creation, history, and holistic living. Live with purpose. Let's see what Jesus unfolds!
General McInerney said that they know who the Americans are that were left over in Afghanistan -- that some had only been there for 2 weeks. He said there was a reason our government doesn't want them back here. BUT he said that they (the good guys) know exactly who they are and that they're getting them out -- and that when they tell their stories, you'll understand why.
They also talked about how the one running this country right now is Barack Obama through the fake Biden administration. (But we already knew that, didn't we? Good to hear confirmation like this.) They also said that he should never have become president because of where he was born, and that "as a Muslim," he's trying to destroy this country and go for the one-world government, which is why he has opened our border and flown people in from everywhere.
September 1, 2021: General Paul E Vallely & General Thomas Mclnerney
September 1, 2021: General Paul E Vallely & General Thomas Mclnerney
“God be with us. We’re on a mission here. … The spiritual part of this is very, very important. One nation under God!”
They praised the two military officers who spoke out against what’s happening in the military. Said what’s been done to them is disgraceful and is what communists do – and said it all came from the top and wouldn’t be surprised if it came from the NSA.
The generals asked us to sign up for their newsletter and to also consider donating: