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I agree, up to a point. We all need medical care at some point in our lives. Appendicitis, for example, does require surgery. Those urgent situations or surgeries to repair serious injuries should not be ignored. To do so would lead to further damage and possibly death.
Yes, we need an overhaul of healthcare (med beds). But we will still need whole health providers as guides. Children, for instance, cannot provide for themselves.
Research. Use your best judgement. But don't diminish every doctor on the planet, as if they aren't helpful. Work WITH medical professionals to receive care. And then say, "No" if you want.

#GodWins #GreatAwakening #Christian #BuildtheWall, #Deplorable #DrainTheSwamp #MAGA #Patriot #QAnon #Trump2021 #WWG1WGA #PureBlood #IFB
I agree with you. I'd guess that if the doctor was questioned about appendicitis, he would recommend surgery.
Allopathic medicine is great at treating people who have experiences traumatic injuries, fixing physical issues / birth deformities. However, it is not so great at treating and curing metabolic syndrome issues. Take one drug to treat the illness and you end up taking a multiple of drugs, some of which are to counter side effects of the original drug.
Here's an example of how natural medicine helped a friend with high blood pressure (BP). My friend went to the doctor, BP was 180 / 100. He told the doctor he didn't want to take drugs. Doctor said "the drugs don't really work" and told my friend to take the juice of 1/4 of a lemon and add to water, take twice a day. Friend did this regimen, made no change in his diet, and 30 days later, his BP was normal, 120 / 80. Gives truth to the saying...
"Let your food by your medicine, and your medicine be your food."
Yes, there are many great allopathic treatments and cures. Having been ill since birth, I have implemented a few of them.
We are what we eat, for sure.👊 Thank you for sharing. 💙