Is Bluetooth picking up on signals coming from the injected? Here I present evidence from two different locations, the attached video appears to be in France, the other two are screenshots (you'll find in the answers) of Bluetooth addresses coming up on my friend’s phone in a Walmart in Dallas, Texas.
You can see that each shows 12 digits in groupings of six. Coincidence? Try this next time you are in a public place: turn your Bluetooth on and see if you get similar readings from the injected people around you.
Bluetooth tracking of the vaccinated. For more infos see above post.
edit, “has a friendly alias” = “does not have a friendly alias”
I just want to point out, I'm a delivery driver and I used to scan for bluetooth and wifi devices while I was driving around just to see what all I pick up and I ended up with a huge list just like this, way before any of the covid bullshit came around. You're gonna pick up a lot of devices these days no matter where you go. I'm not saying it's not the people, it could be, but it might not be too.
I have no insider knowledge, so I walk by faith alone.
The field test would have to be in actual field, with only one phone and many jabbed and unjabbed people.
Did you notice a pattern leading bytes?